
Fromie Concerts Fromie Concerts

Newsletter November 2022

Dear fellow music lover,

Concert Series Spring 2023

I am writing this on the dullest, wettest, darkest of November afternoons. How lovely to think ahead to the time when days will be lengthening and we will be hosting our Spring series of concerts – each one guaranteed to lift your spirits.

We have been trying for some time to engage Alexandra Whittingham. She is a rising start in the classical guitar world and we are thrilled that she is bringing a wonderful recital to Frome, including works by Francisco Tarrega, Villa Lobos and many more. Elua Percussion Duo is an exciting young percussion ensemble – the first that we have hosted for several years and our opening concert is given by Bones Apart, a trombone quartet. They bring us a programme called Wonder Women – Muses, Queens and Warriors. This includes compositions from the Middle Ages right through to the music from Calamity Jane.

Our special concert is given by Pocket Sinfonia and includes two symphonies!  This mixed quartet specialise in reductions of orchestral pieces played with huge energy and enthusiasm. There are a couple of tasters on you tube – I challenge you not to smile as you listen.

We were very pleased to see so many of you at the Autumn concerts.  Post pandemic audience numbers are growing again, but we really need to return to full capacity, ensuring enough income to be able to book the calibre of artists we want.  In the face of the rising cost of everything, we have increased our ticket prices slightly from those of Spring 2022. However, we would much rather increase our income with extra numbers than with a huge rise in the price of tickets next year. Please share news of Frome Concerts Group far and wide and encourage everyone you know to come to our concerts!

I look forward to seeing you in January.

With best wishes,

Mary and the committee – Clive, Edith, Richard, Rhona and Sarah

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